Super sume pro not working stuck on processing
Super sume pro not working stuck on processing

super sume pro not working stuck on processing

Additionally, the shipping information provided by the sender must include your registered email address, mobile number, or other details that allow us to match the parcel to your MyPost account. Apart from these issues, there might also be the one where OBS doesnt have all the administrator permissions. This applies to parcels in transit and addressed to a street address. Another reason that might be playing its role in case the OBS not working and a black screen is the installed drivers have become outdated. The option to have your parcel left in a safe place will only be available if the sender has agreed to allow it.

super sume pro not working stuck on processing

Changing your delivery address may result in a delay in delivery, depending on the location. Any dates for delivery are a guide only.Ģ Parcel redirection is only available for parcels in transit and addressed to a street address. If the delivery postcode hasn’t been entered into our system, you’ll often be able to calculate expected delivery dates by entering the postcode when viewing the item on our tracking tool. Dates can only be calculated once we’ve received the item from the sender.

super sume pro not working stuck on processing

1 Expected delivery dates are included in the tracking information provided for deliveries within Australia.

Super sume pro not working stuck on processing